Key moments
The Significance of the New Evangelization
The Significance of the New Evangelization
The New Evangelization
The New Evangelization
The New Evangelization
Spiritual Renewal
Spiritual Renewal
Spiritual Renewal
The Advent Season of the New Evangelization
The Advent Season of the New Evangelization
Describe What Pope Francis Has Done
Describe What Pope Francis Has Done
The Joy of the Gospel
The Joy of the Gospel
The Joy of the Gospel
The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength
The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength
The Four Spiritual Laws
The Four Spiritual Laws
The Four Spiritual Laws
The Mark of Christ's Spousal Love for the Church
The Mark of Christ's Spousal Love for the Church
The Sacrament of Matrimony
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Because for a Sacrifice To Take Place It Had To Be in the Jerusalem Temple on Top of an Altar with a Levite Priest Standing By To Preside at the Liturgy of Offering whereas Jesus Was Crucified outside the Walls Where There Were no Altars Our Priest Standing By To Offer the Sacrifice What We Would Have Recounted to Our Family Members that Night Would Not Have Been a Sacrifice It Would Have Been a Roman Execution Plain and Simple and a Rather Brutal One at that so the Question Is this Chris How in the World Does a Roman Execution Suddenly Get Turned into a Holy Sacrifice One So Holy that It Retires all of the Animal Offerings That Were Ever Offered
Because for a Sacrifice To Take Place It Had To Be in the Jerusalem Temple on Top of an Altar with a Levite Priest Standing By To Preside at the Liturgy of Offering whereas Jesus Was Crucified outside the Walls Where There Were no Altars Our Priest Standing By To Offer the Sacrifice What We Would Have Recounted to Our Family Members that Night Would Not Have Been a Sacrifice It Would Have Been a Roman Execution Plain and Simple and a Rather Brutal One at that so the Question Is this Chris How in the World Does a Roman Execution Suddenly Get Turned into a Holy Sacrifice One So Holy that It Retires all of the Animal Offerings That Were Ever Offered
Jesus Was Crucified outside the Walls Where There Were no Altars Our Priest Standing By To Offer the Sacrifice What We Would Have Recounted to Our Family Members that Night Would Not Have Been a Sacrifice It Would Have Been a Roman Execution Plain and Simple and a Rather Brutal One at that so the Question Is this Chris How in the World Does a Roman Execution Suddenly Get Turned into a Holy Sacrifice One So Holy that It Retires all of the Animal Offerings That Were Ever Offered He's like Wow that's a Hard Question I Said It Was for Me Too When I Found It in the Writings of the Early Church Fathers
Jesus Was Crucified outside the Walls Where There Were no Altars Our Priest Standing By To Offer the Sacrifice What We Would Have Recounted to Our Family Members that Night Would Not Have Been a Sacrifice It Would Have Been a Roman Execution Plain and Simple and a Rather Brutal One at that so the Question Is this Chris How in the World Does a Roman Execution Suddenly Get Turned into a Holy Sacrifice One So Holy that It Retires all of the Animal Offerings That Were Ever Offered He's like Wow that's a Hard Question I Said It Was for Me Too When I Found It in the Writings of the Early Church Fathers
And Yet You Know It Was Back on Track with the Ordinary Passover Seder until near the End and that's When Jesus Took the Chalice and Spoke Words Again that We'Ve Heard So Much Kris that They'D Never Heard before When He Says Something like this that this Is the Chalice of My Blood the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant Poured Out for You and for Many for the Forgiveness of Sins Do this in Memory of Me There He Goes Again What Is this New Ritual Rhetoric You Know Is There any Reality to this They Wouldn't Have Known and in a Few Moments They Had Left the Upper Room
And Yet You Know It Was Back on Track with the Ordinary Passover Seder until near the End and that's When Jesus Took the Chalice and Spoke Words Again that We'Ve Heard So Much Kris that They'D Never Heard before When He Says Something like this that this Is the Chalice of My Blood the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant Poured Out for You and for Many for the Forgiveness of Sins Do this in Memory of Me There He Goes Again What Is this New Ritual Rhetoric You Know Is There any Reality to this They Wouldn't Have Known and in a Few Moments They Had Left the Upper Room
This Is the Chalice of My Blood the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant Poured Out for You and for Many for the Forgiveness of Sins Do this in Memory of Me There He Goes Again What Is this New Ritual Rhetoric You Know Is There any Reality to this They Wouldn't Have Known and in a Few Moments They Had Left the Upper Room but in the Events That Followed They Would Have Seen that this Was More than Rhetoric this Was More than Ritual That Was His Body and It Was Given Up and His Blood Was Poured Out for the Forgiveness of Sins
This Is the Chalice of My Blood the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant Poured Out for You and for Many for the Forgiveness of Sins Do this in Memory of Me There He Goes Again What Is this New Ritual Rhetoric You Know Is There any Reality to this They Wouldn't Have Known and in a Few Moments They Had Left the Upper Room but in the Events That Followed They Would Have Seen that this Was More than Rhetoric this Was More than Ritual That Was His Body and It Was Given Up and His Blood Was Poured Out for the Forgiveness of Sins
They Would Have Seen that this Was More than Rhetoric this Was More than Ritual That Was His Body and It Was Given Up and His Blood Was Poured Out for the Forgiveness of Sins and so You Can See Chris How the Eucharist as the Passover the New Covenant Couldn't Be Just a Meal or It Wouldn't Be a Passover It Is Where the Sacrifice Is Initiated but It's More than Words the Proof of Which Is Precisely When He Lays His Body Down and He Pours His Blood Out I Said He Wasn't Losing His Life in a Roman Execution on Friday if He Was Already Freely Laying It Down as a Gift of Divine Love and Mercy on Holy Thursday He Wasn't the Victim of Roman Violence As Much as the Victim of Divine Mercy and Love in the Eucharist
They Would Have Seen that this Was More than Rhetoric this Was More than Ritual That Was His Body and It Was Given Up and His Blood Was Poured Out for the Forgiveness of Sins and so You Can See Chris How the Eucharist as the Passover the New Covenant Couldn't Be Just a Meal or It Wouldn't Be a Passover It Is Where the Sacrifice Is Initiated but It's More than Words the Proof of Which Is Precisely When He Lays His Body Down and He Pours His Blood Out I Said He Wasn't Losing His Life in a Roman Execution on Friday if He Was Already Freely Laying It Down as a Gift of Divine Love and Mercy on Holy Thursday He Wasn't the Victim of Roman Violence As Much as the Victim of Divine Mercy and Love in the Eucharist
Only Then Can We See How Holy Thursday Transforms Good Friday for Being an Execution to Being the Consummation of the Sacrifice That Was Initiated When the Eucharist Was Instituted and Then Easter Sunday Is What Transforms that Sacrifice into a Sacrament Which We Can Now Do in Memory of Him Precisely because His Body Is No Longer Bleeding on the Cross or Buried in a Tomb It's Raised from the Dead and that Is Who Is Really Present in every Eucharist That Is Who Presides in the Sacrifice He Said Back up What Was that Thing You Just Said I Said a Lot of Things Chris You Said if the Mass Is Just a Meal Then What Then Calvary Is Just an Execution
Only Then Can We See How Holy Thursday Transforms Good Friday for Being an Execution to Being the Consummation of the Sacrifice That Was Initiated When the Eucharist Was Instituted and Then Easter Sunday Is What Transforms that Sacrifice into a Sacrament Which We Can Now Do in Memory of Him Precisely because His Body Is No Longer Bleeding on the Cross or Buried in a Tomb It's Raised from the Dead and that Is Who Is Really Present in every Eucharist That Is Who Presides in the Sacrifice He Said Back up What Was that Thing You Just Said I Said a Lot of Things Chris You Said if the Mass Is Just a Meal Then What Then Calvary Is Just an Execution
He Only Employs the Phrase the New Covenant One Time Not in the Public Ministry Only in the Upper Room and When He Took that Chalice of the Passover and Declared those Words That We Know So Well this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament You Can Translate the Greek Phrase either Way It Means the Same Thing and Then He Goes On To Say What Do this in Memory of Me Do this What Is this this Is the Eucharist
He Only Employs the Phrase the New Covenant One Time Not in the Public Ministry Only in the Upper Room and When He Took that Chalice of the Passover and Declared those Words That We Know So Well this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament You Can Translate the Greek Phrase either Way It Means the Same Thing and Then He Goes On To Say What Do this in Memory of Me Do this What Is this this Is the Eucharist
You Can Translate the Greek Phrase either Way It Means the Same Thing and Then He Goes On To Say What Do this in Memory of Me Do this What Is this this Is the Eucharist but He Didn't Call It the Uke Earth What Did He Call It He Called It the New Testament He Called It the New Covenant He Said this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament and Then What Did He Say Write this in Memory of Me He Said Do this this Is the Eucharist
You Can Translate the Greek Phrase either Way It Means the Same Thing and Then He Goes On To Say What Do this in Memory of Me Do this What Is this this Is the Eucharist but He Didn't Call It the Uke Earth What Did He Call It He Called It the New Testament He Called It the New Covenant He Said this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament and Then What Did He Say Write this in Memory of Me He Said Do this this Is the Eucharist
He Said this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament and Then What Did He Say Write this in Memory of Me He Said Do this this Is the Eucharist and the Eucharist Is the Only Thing Jesus Ever Called the New Testament so the Question That You Put to Me that I Once Put to Use Where in the New Testament You Find the Sacrifice the Mass Chris the Fact Is When He Instituted the Eucharist It's the Only Thing He Ever Called the New Covenant the New Testament for Me To Be a New Testament Christian Meant To Become a Eucharistic Catholic
He Said this Is the Cup of My Blood the Blood of the New Covenant the Blood of the New Testament and Then What Did He Say Write this in Memory of Me He Said Do this this Is the Eucharist and the Eucharist Is the Only Thing Jesus Ever Called the New Testament so the Question That You Put to Me that I Once Put to Use Where in the New Testament You Find the Sacrifice the Mass Chris the Fact Is When He Instituted the Eucharist It's the Only Thing He Ever Called the New Covenant the New Testament for Me To Be a New Testament Christian Meant To Become a Eucharistic Catholic
We'Re Getting Ready To Receive the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Christ for the First Time in over 30 Years and We Can't Wait and I'Ll Be Honest as I Reflected upon those Circumstances and Our Relationship and How We'Ve Now Entered into a Deeper Bond of Friendship than We Ever Had Before and We Share the Joy of the Gospel in an Entirely New Way It Is a Eucharistic Experience That We Share Not because You Have To Have All the Answers but Just because You Have Entered into a Period of Life Where You Enjoy Being a Catholic Christian Where You Open Yourself Up to Receiving Holy Communion and Experience Grace of Conversion
We'Re Getting Ready To Receive the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Christ for the First Time in over 30 Years and We Can't Wait and I'Ll Be Honest as I Reflected upon those Circumstances and Our Relationship and How We'Ve Now Entered into a Deeper Bond of Friendship than We Ever Had Before and We Share the Joy of the Gospel in an Entirely New Way It Is a Eucharistic Experience That We Share Not because You Have To Have All the Answers but Just because You Have Entered into a Period of Life Where You Enjoy Being a Catholic Christian Where You Open Yourself Up to Receiving Holy Communion and Experience Grace of Conversion
But Just because You Have Entered into a Period of Life Where You Enjoy Being a Catholic Christian Where You Open Yourself Up to Receiving Holy Communion and Experience Grace of Conversion That Is Going To Prepare You for Life Everlasting and for a Family That Isn't Merely Human but Divine this Is Who We Are as Catholic Christians and this Is Why the New Evangelization Is Not beyond Our Pay Grade It Is Something That each and every One of Us Can and Must Do and When We Discover that We Can Do It We'Ll Also Discover How Much the Good News Is Better than We Thought
But Just because You Have Entered into a Period of Life Where You Enjoy Being a Catholic Christian Where You Open Yourself Up to Receiving Holy Communion and Experience Grace of Conversion That Is Going To Prepare You for Life Everlasting and for a Family That Isn't Merely Human but Divine this Is Who We Are as Catholic Christians and this Is Why the New Evangelization Is Not beyond Our Pay Grade It Is Something That each and every One of Us Can and Must Do and When We Discover that We Can Do It We'Ll Also Discover How Much the Good News Is Better than We Thought
Like no Father on this Planet Could Ever Be and You'Ve Given to Us as Your Beloved Children Gifts That Go beyond Anything I Can Lavish upon My Own and in the Name of Jesus I Pray for You To Pour Out the Gifts and the Graces of the Holy Spirit upon these My Brothers and Sisters Your Beloved Children We Also Pray that You Would Equip Us To Go Forth and To Share the Joy of the Gospel and Our More Deeply in the Friendships and Not Only at Work but Especially at Home Not Just with Our Kids but with Our Spouses As Well Lord Jesus We Pray Especially for the Marriages Here in Your Church
Like no Father on this Planet Could Ever Be and You'Ve Given to Us as Your Beloved Children Gifts That Go beyond Anything I Can Lavish upon My Own and in the Name of Jesus I Pray for You To Pour Out the Gifts and the Graces of the Holy Spirit upon these My Brothers and Sisters Your Beloved Children We Also Pray that You Would Equip Us To Go Forth and To Share the Joy of the Gospel and Our More Deeply in the Friendships and Not Only at Work but Especially at Home Not Just with Our Kids but with Our Spouses As Well Lord Jesus We Pray Especially for the Marriages Here in Your Church
We Could Say as Husbands What You Say through Your Priests this Is My Body Which Is Given Up for You that We Would Enable that We Would Be Empowered To Enter into the Mystery of Your Love for Your Bride To Share It with Ours Help Us Then and Hear Us as We Pray the Family Prayer That You Taught Us Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread and Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Forgive those Who Trespass against Us and Lead Us Not into Temptation but Deliver Us from Evil Amen Hail Mary Full of Grace the Lord Is with Thee Blessed
We Could Say as Husbands What You Say through Your Priests this Is My Body Which Is Given Up for You that We Would Enable that We Would Be Empowered To Enter into the Mystery of Your Love for Your Bride To Share It with Ours Help Us Then and Hear Us as We Pray the Family Prayer That You Taught Us Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread and Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Forgive those Who Trespass against Us and Lead Us Not into Temptation but Deliver Us from Evil Amen Hail Mary Full of Grace the Lord Is with Thee Blessed
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