Augustinian Novitiates

January 29, 2017 - 10:03pm

Please pray for the more than 40 men who are in formation in the Augustinian order throughout the United States.  Pray for Godly wisdom as they go through the process of discerning God's calling their lives.  Please also pray that God would call more men and women to vocations.



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Steven Ramirez

May 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Steven Ramirez. Sadly, Steven passed away this last Saturday, May 6, 2023. Please keep the whole Ramirez family in your prayers at this difficult time.Read more

Brian & Patty Hunt

April 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

We've have been asked to pray for Brian Hunt who fell yesterday and injured himself. Please pray for both Brian and Patty as they make their way through some tought times. Pray for healing for Brian and for all of their family and friends at this difficult time.Read more

Panchita Fristrup

March 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Panchita Fristrup. Pan passed away over the weekend. Keep Pan's family and friends in your thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.Read more

Roger & Carolyn Embury

March 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

Please keep long-time parishioners Roger and Carol Embury in your thoughts and prayers. They will both be undergoing surgeries in the next few days. Pray for a speedy return to good health for them both. Pray also for their family at this difficult time.Read more

Stanley Gilson

March 7, 2023


Keep Stanley Gilson in your thoughts and prayers. Pray for a quick recovery to good health.Read more

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