Centennial Wrap-Up
The Centennial Year for St. Thomas Aquinas is coming to an end. Our Parish is planning a get-together potluck marking the past 100 years of serving the people of the Ojai Valley and also looking forward to the next 100 years. This celebration will also commemorate the Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas, which falls on January 28th. Please mark your new 2020 calendar and plan to attend:
POT LUCK LUNCHEON Sunday, January 26, 2020, 1:00 p.m. in the Aquinas Center
Please bring a dish to share by your last name: Hot Dish: A-G Salad/Cold sides: H-O Desserts: P-Z
A slide show of the Centennial festivities will be presented.
Recent Posts
Passing of Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Please pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Fr. John Keller, O.S.A who passed away on January 26th.
Fr. John was surrounded by family and his Augustinian brothers as he entered into the loving arms of the Good Shepherd.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the Faithful Departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Click HERE to view Fr. Keller's obituary.Read more
George Zahab
Dear Friends,
Please pray for continued healing for George Zahab from health issues he has had the past months.Read more
Mary Guinn
Please pray for Mary Guinn who has taken a fall and broken her hip. She is out of surgery and doing well. Pray that she make a speedy recovery and a return to good health.Read more
Cindy Barrack
Dear Friends,
Please keep Steven Barrack's wife Cindy in yiour thoughts and prayers. She fell and broke her hip. Please pray for healing and a complete recovery to good health.Read more