Cheyenne Cablayan
Please pray for Cheyenne Cablayan who is the 31 year old grand-daughter of Betty Valmonte. Cheyenne is the mother of two young sons and has just found out that she has breast cancer. Please pray that she have a successful surgery and that the cancer does not spread to any other part of her body. We ask this, through Christ our Lord.
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Prayer for Healing
Almighty and everlasting God, As sick, we come to the physician of life; As unclean, to the fountain of mercy; As blind, to the light of eternal splendour; As needy, to the Lord of Heaven and Earth; As naked, to the King of Glory. Heal us and make us whole we pray. Amen.Read more
Sign-up for the Prayer Line
The parish prayer line email stopped being sent out due to a technical issue which has been resolved. Unfortunately, our provider lost all of the email addresses that were receiving the Prayer Line emails. We have changed our email service and are ready to resume sending out the Prayer Line emails. If you would like to receive the Prayer Line emails please subscribe HERE . You need to subscribe even is you were previously receiving the emails.
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