Claire Fontanella

June 27, 2023 - 11:35am

Dear Fellow Parishioners, Five years ago we asked for prayers for our then 17year old granddaughter, Claire Fontanella, who had been diagnosed with an unusual form of melanoma. She was treated for a year with oral chemotherapy.  She completed 4 years of college and was ready to begin an independent life. At her annual CT scan last month it was discovered the cancer was back and had metatasized to Stage IV. There is no appropriate medication available for her.  Her mother, our daughter, Danielle, has taken Claire to a Gerson Wellness Clinic ( for a 3-week detox program and a dietary plan based on an organic plant-based diet, raw juices and natural supplements to build up her own immune system to help the body heal itself. It will require a two-year commitment to following this rigid diet and life style.  Check out the documentary, "Food Cure", on YouTube or Roku if you're interested.  Please keep our Claire and her family in your prayers. We would be so grateful.  Thank you.  Charlene and Bill Brannan



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