Debbie Young

April 19, 2017 - 8:20am

It is with great confidence in all of you, friends and church family, that I humbly ask for prayers for myself.  I was recently diagnosed with a tumor in one of my lungs, it is cancerous. 

I am still going through more tests this week and next, meeting with several doctors, of all kinds!  There is not really much more information at this time but a battle plan will soon be place after the further tests are concluded.

The doctors I have met with are more than positive and encouraging with the information so far!  Just the first hurdle on this roller coaster ride.  I appreciate your prayers and respectfully ask for all conversations and visits to be normal, not about "Chester", he does not define me, he does not control me, he is not winning.

By the way, I named my tumor Chester!  Hahahaha, Prayers for Chester to be gone!  For my tests to reflect the best information and my doctors to be guided to make an awesome battle plan to kill Chester!!!!

Thank you all,
Debbie Young



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