Gloria Sanchez
Dear Friends,
Please keep long-time parishioner Gloria Sanchez in your thoughts and prayers. Gloria fell last Wednesday and hurt her shoulder. Please pray for healing and a quick recovery to good health.
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Connie Kurtenbach
Please pray for Connie Kurtenbach who is in the hospital in Ventura. Pray for healing for both Connie and Ed.Read more
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children - January 22nd
...a day that will live in infamy.
This description of December 7th, 1941, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is a phrase which drew our nation's attention to the shocking destruction of innocent lives at Pearl Harbor. That destruction, and a determined resistance to the worldwide violence which it anticipated, propelled the United States into World War II.
The unexpected attack on American seamen early on a Sunday morning so many years ago had many terrible consequences. But it also lead to a purifying and reviving national turning to God in prayer, sacrifice, and charity. Our united resistance to...Read more
Khadijah Harden
A friend asks that we pray for Khadijah that God will save her soul and that she will have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.Read more
Vincent Peterson
Please pray for Vincent Peterson. Vincent is an altar server at 5:00 mass. He is gravely ill at Community Memorial and the doctors do not know the reason. Pray for wisdom for his doctors and healing for Vincent. Also pray for strength and consolation for his family.Read more
The Call of Samuel
Bishop Barron gives a excellent homily on this week's first reading and how it relates to the sex abuse crisis in the Church. Click here to hear the homily.
"The story of the call of Samuel is illuminating for our time of corruption and cleansing. I argue that the sex abuse scandal in the church should be read through the lens of this narrative." - Bishop BarronRead more