Gloria Sanchez

May 13, 2022 - 3:34pm

Dear Friends,

Please keep long-time parishioner Gloria Sanchez in your thoughts and prayers.  Gloria fell last Wednesday and hurt her shoulder.  Please pray for healing and a quick recovery to good health.



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Richard Johnson

May 17, 2017

Please pray for 83 year old Richard Johnson whose wife, Katy, is the sister of Lin Kaser. Richard has seveal health concerns including ALS. He has just entered hospice. Pray for Richard's comfort and peace. Pray also for his family and friends for strength and courage at this difficult time.Read more

The Way

May 11, 2017

Today we sense the apostles’ trepidation as they begin to realize that the Lord would soon be leaving them. In their fear, they ask, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” (John 14:5). Jesus tells them that he is the way. The Easter season has been a time of growing in Easter faith so that we, too, may learn to know that Jesus is the way. We can take comfort in the Lord’s promise that he is going to his Father’s house to prepare a place for us, his chosen people who...Read more

Parish Directory

May 11, 2017

Due to recent inquiries and input from various St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners, Fr. Tom has requested that the pastoral council look into available options for creating an updated version of our parish directory. It has been six years since our last directory and the prospect of a new directory is a welcome endeavor. As some of you may recall, the last undertaking to produce a directory was fraught with difficulties; in the end, many parishioners did not even receive a copy. During a discussion of the topic at a recent pastoral council meeting the talent and abilities of our own...Read more

Book Study Group

The Holy Longing by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser
May 11, 2017

The book study group will read, The Holy Longing by Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI. Discussion on this book will start June 15th, 2017. Meetings are held in the Parish Library 3rd Thursday of the Month 7-8:30PM Jean Smith 312-1825 or [email protected] .Read more

Debbie Young

May 11, 2017

Following is a message from Debbie:

First I would like to thank every one of you for your prayers and ask for them to continue.

Second, a few extra prayers on Tuesday morning would be appreciated. I will be at UCLA for a same surgery, which will biopsy some lymph nodes. We are praying for these lymph nodes to be free of cancer, which will open other doors for treatment!!

Thank you everyone who has and continues to pray for me, your phone calls, your cards, texts, they mean so much. I will provide an update as...Read more

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