Hallow - Lent Challenge

Hallow   Lent
The Seven Last Words of Christ
March 4, 2022 - 7:00am

For Lent in 2022, Hallow invites you to join the #Pray40 Challenge where—for the 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter—thousands will join together in prayer and meditation on these important words. 

The #Pray40 Community Challenge on Hallow is one of the most popular and life-changing challenges of the year with exclusive prayer resources to enhance your Lenten journey. This Lent, unite yourself to Christ’s suffering and:

  • Deepen your relationship with God
  • Meditate on the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice for us
  • Be God’s love to others

Click here for more information



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Please pray for the happy repose of her soul and for strength for all of her dear family and friends.

We will keep you informed about the arrangements.

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