Ken's Surgery
The surgery went beautifully, he is now home. Thank you so much for all those who prayed for him.
- Ila Chegwidden
Recent Posts
Addie Drew
Dear Friends,
I just received a call from Mary Baker, asking that we pray for the happy repose of the soul of Addie Drew (who passed away in November). Addie was a long-time parishioner and very dedicated Eucharistic Minister.
Please pray that Addie rest in the loving embrace of our Lord.Read more
Judy Gonelli
Dear Friends,
I just received a call from Mary Baker, saying that our good friend, Judy Gonelli and her son Steve have COVID-19. Judy has asked that we pray for them and not to be alarmed. Says that they are doing GREAT!
Fr. Harry Neely, OSA
Dear Friends,
It is with profound sadness that we learned today that Fr. Harry Neely, OSA has passed away. Please pray for the happy repose of his soul, for his Augutinian brothers and all his friends and family at this time.Read more
Fr. Harry Neely, OSA
Father Harry Neely, OSA is in need of our prayers. He has been suffering with severe health concerns. Pray that our Lord grant him comfort and peace. Pray also for all of his Augustinian brothers, friends and family at this most difficult time.Read more
Helen Gehrke
Dear Friends,
Please keep friend and long-time parishioner Helen Gehrke in your thoughts and prayers. Helen is experiencing serious health issues. Pray also for her family and friends at this trying time.Read more