Ken's Surgery
The surgery went beautifully, he is now home. Thank you so much for all those who prayed for him.
- Ila Chegwidden
Recent Posts
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly all activity at the parish has been suspended. This includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Public Masses, St. Patrick's Dinner Dance, Religious Education and Confirmation classes, Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers. This pause will continue until the 29th of March...and likely longer. The thrift store has also been closed for the duration of the crisis.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will continue to be available from 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Saturdays in the Baptistry, or by appointment.
The Open Pantry will have a 'Grab & Go' on Saturday, March 21st....Read more
Ivan Matesevac
Mary Baker
Tue, Mar 17, 10:17 PM (11 hours ago)
to me
"I am home and getting better. Thank you for the prayers and cards. They helped me and my sister, Katerina, so much during my surgery and time in the hospital.
I love you, Ivan Matesevac"
Ventura County Health Officer Order of 3/17/20
The Ventura County Health Officer has issued an order directing vulnerable individuals in the County to shelter at their place of residence from 3/18 - 4/1/2020. The order also restricts certain business activities.
Click here to read the entire order.Read more
Letter to a Suffering Church
The sexual abuse scandal has gripped the Catholic Church for the past thirty years, and continues to wreak havoc even today. It's been a diabolical masterpiece, one that has compromised the work of the Church in every way and has left countless lives in ruin. Many Catholics are understandably asking, “Why should I stay? Why not abandon this sinking ship before it drags me or my children under?"
In this stirring manifesto, Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, explains why this is not the time...Read more