October is the Month of the Rosary

October 31, 2018 - 9:21pm

October 7th is the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, sometimes referred to as the Feast of the Holy Rosary. The day was dedicated by St. Pius V who credited a victory over the invading Turks to the intercession of Mary through the rosary. Pope Benedict XVI described the image of Our Lady of the Rosary in a 2007 Angelus:

“The traditional image of Our Lady of the Rosary portrays Mary who with one arm supports the Child Jesus and with the other is offering the rosary beads to St Dominic. This important iconography shows that the Rosary is a means given by the Virgin to contemplate Jesus and, in meditating on his life, to love him and follow him ever more faithfully. It is this message that Our Lady has also bequeathed to us in her various apparitions.” (Benedict XVI, Angelus, October 7, 2009)

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