Pastor’s Letter

January 6, 2020 - 6:05am

I’ve been heartened by a number of meetings I have had with individual members of the parish over the course of the past week or two. These meetings have not only given me the chance to get to know these people better, they also help me get to know the community and some of the needs being articulated. One common thread that I observe being expressed is a desire for more opportunities for us to come together both spiritually and socially. I want to all to know that I’m listening, and I want to encourage more of you to make an appointment with me to share your hopes and dreams.

This coming week, from Monday to Friday, I will be attending a new pastor’s workshop being put on by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The workshop is part of a yearlong program for new pastors, and I pray it will help me be a better shepherd for all of you.

I feel very blessed to be here, I’m very grateful for the warm welcome you have all extended me, and I look forward to the continuing journey ahead.

God’s peace, Fr. Kirk



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