For the People Injured at Topa Topa Elementary School
Please pray for the people who were injured by the tree that fell at Topa Topa Elementary School. Also pray for their families, friends and health care providers who are caring for them.
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Randy Ryan
Dear Friends,
Please keep Randy Ryan, 52 year old nephew of Les and Mary Baker who has suffered a seizure. He will be going in to have testing done today.
While you're going through your busy day keep Randy in your thoughts and prayers.Read more
Patty Berryman
Dear Friends,
Please pray for Patty Berryman, the receptionist at Villanova Preperatory School is in the hospital, (UCLA) in critical condition with a very serious infection.
Please keep Patty and all her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers at this crucial time.Read more
Aurora Yourgules
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Aurora Yourgules. Aurora is the mother of Sister Rachel Yourgules from Villanova.
Keep the entire family in your prayers at this difficult time.Read more
Mary Balentine
Please place Mary Balentine, relative of Chuck and Therese Montag. She is in the hospital and is suffering from a life threatening infection. Pray that the doctors can find an antibiotic to fight the infection.Read more
Beatrice Jensen
Dear Friends,
It is with hope in salvation and eternal life that I announce the death of Beatrice Jensen. Please pray for the repose of her soul and also for her grieving family.Read more