Santa Barbara Region Fire Fund

Woosley Fire
From Bishop Barron
January 3, 2019 - 6:17am

The Woolsey and Hill Fires now out of control in the southern part of the Santa Barbara Region has forced thousands to flee with no end in sight.  Highway closures have many stranded with nowhere to go and the immediate need for food and shelter will soon begin to become apparent.  Two of our parishes have also evacuated and altho0ough no buildings have been reported lost, we all know that it will take several days to learn the full extent of any damage or injury.

Earlier this year the Thomas Fire which effected so many of our own family and friends taught us important it is to be prepared to provide shelter, food and temporary financial support. 

The fund that was created to provide immediate and critical support during the Thomas Fire has been expanded to now include those effected by the Woolsey and Hill fires.

Your donation can be mailed to:

The Fire Fund c/o SBPR
3240 Calle Pinon
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Or, simply place your check in the parish Sunday collection basket.

If you know of anyone who is in immediate need of temporary shelter, food or assistance, they can contact the pastor of their nearest Catholic church for help.



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