Taylor Mc Daniel

April 21, 2020 - 11:39am

Dear Friends,

Pleae keep Taylor Mc Daniel in your thoughts and prayers.  Taylor is the 7 year old grand-niece of Mary Baker.  She had a rather serious surgery last night at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Tennessee.  Pray for a speedy recovery and for all of her friends and family at this very difficult time.



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Patty & Ken

April 2, 2020

Dear Friends,

Please keep Virginia Aguirre's sister Patty and brother-in-law Ken in your thoughts and prayers. They are experiencing several family issues at this time. Ask the Lord for patience and strength at this trying time.Read more

Sunday Mass Online

March 29, 2020

If you missed our live stream of the Sunday Mass this week you can watch at the link below. You can also watch all future Sunday Masses via live stream on our Facebook page. Go to our parish home page for more information. Please share this information with anyone who you think might be interested in viewing our Masses. Also below is the prayer of Spritual Communion which is prayed by everyone before the "Lamb of God".

Click here to view the Mass from Sunday 3/29

Click here for more information on future Sunday Mass livestreams...Read more

Geri Dimmick

March 25, 2020

Dear Friends,

Please keep Geri Dimmick in your thoughts and prayers. Geri has recently been re-hospitilzed for pnuemonia. Pray that God grant her a swift return to good health. Pray also for her family at this difficult time.Read more

Ann Marie Leyenaar

March 19, 2020


Please keep Ann Marie Leyenaar in your thoughts and prayers. She is having a very serious surgery on her back. Pray that she return to good health.Read more

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