Please pray for Jodi who is having surgery. Please also pray for healing for her son Daniel.
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Janna Morrison-Mimms
Dear Friends,
Please keep Janna Morrison-Mimms (daughter of long-time parishioner Anna Morrison) in your prayers. Janna will be undergoing surgery. Pray that the surgery is successful and that she make a full recovery. Also pray for her family... her husband Frank's, father died just before Thanksgiving and his mother passed a few days later. Pray that Frank, Janna and their children Nicole and Jessica have strength, courage and faith throughout the coming months.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen
Bennett Huss
Dear Friends,
Please pray for Bennett Huss, the grandson of Gerry & Jurgen Gramckow.
Little Bennett is 13 mos. old and will be undergoing major skull surgery.
Also please pray for their daughter's family - Karen & Daniel McGee. They lost their home in the Malibu fire and are expecting their first child.Read more
A Crisis - but Not of Faith
Catholics must not let scandals in the Church overshadow their trust in Christian teaching. Read the entire article by George Weigel by clicking here .Read more
The Hour of the Laity
Archbishop Gómez delivered a homily at the closing mass of the Fifth National Meeting of Hispanic / Latino Ministry on September 23, 2018, attended by nearly 3,500 delegates. Its a great message to all the laity for their important role in the Church today. Click here to read the homily .Read more
New Parish Directory! Sign up now to participate!
It has been almost 8 years since the publication of our last parish directory, and with our parish celebrating our 100th Jubilee on February 2019, we thought there would be no better time than to publish a new parish directory. Lifetouch will be taking family pictures on November 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. In order to receive and be in the directory you will need to have your picture taken by Lifetouch on these dates. You will also get a free 8x10 print and there is no obligating to buy additional prints. We will take paper sign-ups...Read more