John Kara
Dear Friends,
We've all been asked to pray for the happy repose of the soul of John Kara. John passed away yesterday. Please also keep his family and friends in prayer at this difficult time.
Recent Posts
Life Centers of Ventura County Mother's Day Corsage Sale
We are taking orders for cartons with 20 lovely, locally grown and made orchid corsages. Two ways to support this fundraiser are: 1) Plan to purchase individual corsages at participating parishes for the mothers in your life, or 2) adopt a nursing home or assisted living facility and purchase cartons to distribute to the women residents. The gesture will be sure to brighten their day. Call 805-486-2721, Michele or Soledad for more info.Read more
Soup Supper Thank You
THANK YOU! A big thank you to all who prepared the suppers and those of you who supported the suppers. The soups were delicious and we all enjoyed the good company. We are happy and grateful to report that $2,000 will be divided between St. Vincent DePaul Open Pantry and Infantil Orphange. The groups that participated in the soup suppers:Grupo de Oracion, 11:30 choir, Women's Guild, Escuela de la Cruz, Bereavement and 9:30 choir. Everyone did a great job!Read more
Debbie Young
It is with great confidence in all of you, friends and church family, that I humbly ask for prayers for myself. I was recently diagnosed with a tumor in one of my lungs, it is cancerous.
I am still going through more tests this week and next, meeting with several doctors, of all kinds! There is not really much more information at this time but a battle plan will soon be place after the further tests are concluded.
The doctors I have met with are more than positive and encouraging with the information so far! Just the first...Read more
Carol Schliecher
Please pray for Carol Schliecher, sister of Jean Smith, who has been diagnosed with a T-cell carcinoma. It is very aggressive and rare. Her oncologist has not been able to diagnose it specifically yet; a lymph node was removed last Thursday and sent to a specialty lab at Stanford Medical Center to try to identify it. She is not able to start treatment yet because of this uncertainty. Please pray for all involved in this diagnosis and healing.Read more
Passing of Gretchen Mills
Thank you to all who have been praying for my sister-in-law Gretchen Mills who is married to my brother Jim. Sadly, Gretchen passed away this afternoon a week after a very complicated liver transplant. Her blood vessels were in very bad shape and she died from sepsis due to ischemia of her intestines.
Pleases pray for her soul and the consolation of Jim and their daughter Margaret. Also, continued prayers are needed for Lindsey Bourbeau who donated part of her liver. Lindsey is in a lot of pain. Her surgery went well but she is quite weak and it...Read more