Prayers for Kelly

April 26, 2019 - 4:51pm

Dear Friends,

We've been asked to pray for Kelly Hardman-Irwin, by her mother Patti Hardman.  Kelly will be having open-heart surgery in mid-May.

Pray for Kelly and all her family and friends. Pray also,for the surgeons, nurses and other care-givers who will be at her side during this operation.  Grant Kelly a swift return to good health.

We ask this trhough Christ our Lord...AMEN



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Debbie Young

January 9, 2019

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We ask this, through Christ, our Lord...Amen

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Please Pray

January 7, 2019

Dear Friends,

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We ask this, through Christ, Our Lord...AMEN!Read more

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Please Pray

January 4, 2019

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