Rose Grimm

August 31, 2018 - 9:56am

Dear friends and family,

Blessed feast day of the Queenship of Mary!

Today my mom started participation in a clinical trial for a combination of drugs to inhibit and prevent further cancer growth.  This has been planned by her doctors from the beginning. The question is how the side effects will be, and, of course, if (as we dearly hope) the treatment will be effective in preventing further cancer.  If it is, and the side effects are not too problematical, she will remain on this treatment indefinitely.

We'd be grateful for your prayers that this trial be wonderfully free (miraculously free? :) ) of side effects, and that it be effective in preventing regrowth of this aggressive cancer.

Thanks so much, dear friends, for your prayers. It has been such a blessing to have you journeying beside us.

By the way, my mother-in-law Betty is doing amazingly well. Thanks again so much for your prayers for her.



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