
July 23, 2018 - 11:05am

...I just realized that today is the first day of a novena leading up to the anniversary of Bl. Solanus Casey's death on July 31. So I'm going to make a novena to him for Our Lady's intentions for our country (I think of him as our quintessentially American Blessed -- for many reasons, including his avid love of baseball :) ) I'll also be praying for my mother and mother-in-law. I'd be happy to have you join me!

O God, I adore You. I give myself to You. May I be the person You want me to be, and may Your will be done in my life today.
I thank You for the gifts You gave to Blessed Solanus. If it is Your will, grant the canonization of Blessed Solanus so that others may imitate and carry on his love for all the poor and suffering of our world.
As he joyfully accepted Your divine plans, I ask You, according to Your will, to hear my prayer for Our Lady's intentions for the United States, and for Rose Grimm and Betty Zepeda. Amen. 
Blessed be God in all His designs.






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